Inspired to Code
Nature helps web developer ‘let his mind go’
By Jodi Werner Greenwald | Photos by Ray Sepesy
Web designer and developer Michael Sammut chairs Charlotte Is Creative’s board of directors. He also produces the organization’s media channel, The Biscuit. A rare left-brain and right-brain person, the Ballantyne-area resident shares with us his creative process. Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and brevity.
Why did you name your company Four Eyes Productions?
I started the company with Sara K. Schwittek back in 1998. She came up with the name. It was a play on words aiming for something “geek chic.” Since it was only the two of us and combined, we had four eyes, it worked. On the other hand, I wore glasses and that’s how the logo came to be. Yes, my bald head and glasses are the logo! Even though last year I had corrective eye surgery.
What do you enjoy about building websites?
Research and prototyping culminate so quickly into a product. There are not many other fields where you can translate your thoughts into reality as quickly. It allows both sides of the brain to get a good workout. We get to design and code amazing things for our clients, and most of all, I get to do something I love!
What’s it like working on The Biscuit for Charlotte Is Creative?
I volunteer the services of Four Eyes Productions to the organization’s various web/multimedia efforts. I see relationships form and projects come to fruition. We are making Charlotte a better place to live and work for creatives. Like what Charlotte Is Creative did for me, we are helping people find their place in the city.
You’re an avid scuba diver. Favorite place to dive?
I started when I was 15 years old in New York City. Not exactly the best diving. Over the years I’ve had a chance to dive in some great places, but recently, Palawan, Philippines, is top on the list. The water is amazing, the sea life is mesmerizing and it is like being in another world. Anytime I am underwater I am in my happy place.
Where in the Ballantyne area do you feel most creative?
I come up with good solutions when I am walking around the beautiful greenways in the area. It is where I let my mind go. I also love sitting in my yard. I have a koi pond there and listening to the water and laying on the hammock makes the creativity flow.
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