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Get to Know Your Neighbors
Photos by Raymond J Photography
Faces introduces you to people who make our community lively and interesting. In this edition, meet Jon Rochester, Joni Webster and Hendra Tjandrawan. Responses have been edited for clarity and brevity.

Joni Webster
Hometown: Silver Spring, Maryland.
Job: Resident Experience Manager, Bozzuto Management Company at Towerview Ballantyne
Typical day
I begin the day cutting fruit and herbs for Ms. Joni’s famous infused water at our hydration station in the Towerview lobby. I enjoy coming up with tasty and pretty infused recipes, and my residents look forward to my water each day. I always play my spiritual music while making the water. It’s the best way to start my day.
What brings you joy?
I have high energy, and I get joy out of bringing smiles to people’s faces. I guess that’s why I love my job, because I get paid to bring joy to others. My faith also brings me joy, along with worship music. Most weekends, you can find me taking long power walks around The Bowl with my earphones in my ears.
Something new you have tried
I tried going blond for the first time in my life. Now I can say it’s true: Blonds do really have more fun!

Jon Rochester
Hometown: Charlotte. I grew up on Rea Road.
Job: School Social Worker, Ardrey Kell High School, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Typical day
During the week, I wake up at 5 a.m., work a full day at Ardrey Kell with an amazing counseling team serving students, exercise after work and relax in the evening. On the weekends, I enjoy spending time outdoors, finding new places to eat, watching Netflix and watching NFL football on Sundays.
Words of wisdom
“One of the most dangerous phrases in the language is ‘we’ve always done it this way.’” — Grace Hopper
Anything else to share?
Being a school social worker is my second career. I spent over 15 years in technology sales. I went back to school and got my master’s degree in social work at 40, and it was the best career decision. It’s never too late to change your life.

Hendra Tjandrawan
Hometown: I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, raised in Singapore and then continued my university education in Portland, Oregon. I consider Charlotte home.
Job: Vice President and Head of Finance, CABB Jayhawk Fine Chemicals Corporation
Typical day
I am usually up by 6 a.m. As I work for a German chemical company, my morning routine starts with collaboration and a conference call with my colleagues in Europe, then continues with daily U.S. operations and at the end of the month with month-end closing.
Favorite Travel Destination
Europe (Switzerland, Italy, Spain), Southeast Asia and Japan. Switzerland will always be a special place for us, as we lived there for four-plus years.
What brings you joy?
Spending time with my wife and son. And sports (tennis, golf, pickleball).